Host World Recreational Fishing Conference (WRFC11) in 2026
Are you interested in hosting the 2026 World Recreational Fishing Conference?
We’ve extended the call for applications until 28 May 2023 and will advertise through the WRFC10 communication channels. Please spread the word!
We welcome those interested in hosting the 2026 World Recreational Fishing Conference to submit a bid outlining:
- Proposed conference theme and sub-themes relating to science and management of recreational fishing,
- Suggested type of planned event (fully in person hybrid in-person or online only event) and outline of conference structure (talks sessions, workshops, education),
- Preliminary conference program, timeline, budget and publication outcomes,
- Conference logistics including safety, accessibility and provisions to attract early career scientists and people from low-income countries and other underrepresented groups,
- Outline why your destination is a premier World Recreational Fishing Conference location with a multitude of experiences available, including recreational fishing,
- The support for your bid including written letters of support from recreational fishing industry, recreational fishing science community, government and tourism sectors,
- Intended registration fees, with provision to support the participation of early career individuals in recreational fishing,
- Proposed organising and science committee to comprise of local and international recreational fishing stakeholders, embracing diversity in gender and representation.
Bids are requested to be submitted by 28 May 2023 for consideration by the WRFC10 International Scientific Board.
You may be requested to present your bid via an online meeting with the International Scientific Board.
To submit your bid, or for further information, please email Taylor Hunt: [email protected]
We are aiming to announce the next host for WRFC11 in June 2023!