Local Organising Committee (LOC)
The key responsibilities of the LOC are to provide advice to the VFA regarding: Planning and coordinating the on-ground event logistics, activities, opportunities for attendees etc. including strong attraction for grass roots recreational fishers. Preparing delegate materials, marketing, keynote speaker requirements etc Discuss potential conference themes and speakers to be presented to the International Scientific Board to consider.
Developing a prospectus and securing sponsorship for the Conference from fisheries agencies, tackle companies, industry etc. and then deliver the value to investors. Developing and delivering appropriate, targeted and quality fisheries activities for the conference including guided fishing trip options, experiences and socials events.

Cameron Westaway
Cameron is the conference manager for WRFC10

Anthony Forster
Anthony is passionate about improving recreational fishing and has led many successful projects including shellfish reef restoration, enhancement of Australian bass, estuary perch and land-locked chinook salmon fisheries, Murray cod fishery regulations, the ‘Care for cod’ education programs and, phasing out of opera house nets. In the last few years, Anthony has led the design and construction of a new $7 million dollar native fish hatchery in northern Victoria.
Anthony is a keen recreational fisher who loves nothing better than throwing lures and chasing fish in wild rivers and estuaries.

Amanda Keilar
🎣 passionate recreational angler, mostly Western port Bay and Bass Strait
🐟 Leader in the Women in Recreational Fishing Network
🎣 Organiser & hostess of Ladies Fishing Charters, San Remo
🐟 Employee at the San Remo Fisherman’s CoOperative
🎣 I come from a generational family of Commercial & Recreational fishers
🐟 I am a nanna to three gorgeous grandchildren, whom I love to take fishing

David Kramer

Ben Scullin
A keen lure tournament competitor both nationally and overseas, Ben has several titles to his name including taking out the Murray Cod Nationals.

Greg Sharp

Terry George
The ATF took heed of the advice offered at the first "Talk Wild Trout Conference" in 2015, being: "Take Care of the Fish, and the Fishing will Take Care of itself". Very wise advice. Since then, the ATF and its army of volunteer members and supporters, has been working together with the VFA, Catchment Management Authorities, DELWP, ARI, Landcare Groups, and thousands of volunteer anglers to restore the health of our waterways by initiating and completing in-stream and riparian habitat restoration projects.